What’s Next For Net Neutrality? Litigation, Legislation, and the Lay of the Land
It seems like talk about net neutrality never stops, and with our busy schedules, it’s hard to keep up. We’ve organized a panel of experts to provide a “lay of the land” on what’s going on with this dynamic topic. We’ll talk about the latest FCC action, developments on the state level, the prospects for litigation, and possibilities on Capitol Hill. Like all of our discussions, we’ve assembled an expert panel with an array of different perspectives on the issue.
Matthew Brill, Partner, Latham & Watkins
Angie Kronenberg, Chief Advocate and General Counsel, INCOMPAS
Berin Szoka, President, TechFreedom
Li Zhou, Reporter, Politico Pro
Date: February 12, 2018
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building Room 2237
Follow: @NetCaucusAC | #NetNeutrality18
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