Disrupting ISIS Online: The Challenges Of Combating Online Radicalization
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Date: Friday May 6, 2016 12pm-1:15pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building Room Room 2226
RSVP: Via Eventbrite here.
Follow: @NetCaucusAC | #ISISOnline
Social media has flourished in large part because platforms have been freed from liability for content posted by independent users. But as instigators of violence and terrorism have figured out how to use social platforms to recruit and spread, companies and lawmakers must figure out how to balance the needs of protecting free expression online with the imperative to keep the public safe. Much of this content violates user agreements, but reviewing content for violations can be prohibitively time consuming for companies. What is the right policy to deal with this serious issue? How much should companies voluntarily cooperate with the government to keep violent propaganda off their platforms and identify suspicious users? What can be done to control and combat propaganda that is spread via social media?
- Emma Llanso, Center for Democracy & Technology (Bio)
- Rashad Hussain, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice (Bio)
- Seamus Hughes, Deputy Director, Program on Extremism, George Washington University’s Center for Cyber & Homeland Security (Bio)
- Moderator: Miranda Bogen, Fellow, Internet Law & Policy Foundry (Bio)
More speakers will be announced on a rolling basis.
This widely attended educational briefing is hosted by the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC), part of a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Congressional staff and members of the press welcome. The ICAC is a private sector organization comprised of public interest groups, trade associations, non-profits, and corporations. The ICAC takes no positions on legislation or regulation. Rather, it’s a neutral platform where thought leaders debate important technology issues that shape legislative and administration policy in an open forum. We vigilantly adhere to our mission to curate balanced and dynamic debates among Internet stakeholders. Our volunteer board members ensure that we dutifully execute that mission. More information on the ICAC is available at www.netcaucus.org.