DC Court Rules On Net Neutrality: What Does The Decision Mean for the Internet?


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Today the U.S. Court of Appeals issued its ruling on the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Order (A.K.A. Net Neutrality). The decision is creating headlines across the country. We’ve assembled panel of F.C.C. experts to explain what the court’s decision means and what it will mean for the Internet going forward. Please join us for a balanced debate about what the decision means for the future of the Internet and what Congress should do about it.

Date: Monday, June 20, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2226
Register: Via Eventbrite here.
Lunch: A box lunch will be served.
Follow: @NetCaucusAC | #FCCNeutrality

  • Matthew Brill, Partner, Latham & Watkins (bio)
  • Markham Erickson, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson (bio)
  • Russ Hanser, Partner, Wilkinson Barker Knauer (bio)
  • Sarah Morris, New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute (bio)
  • Moderator: Lydia Beyoud, Senior Tech Reporter, Bloomberg BNA  (bio)