Internet Caucus Academy Podcasts

The FCC’s Grand Internet Plans: “The Open Internet” and Massive Mobile Spectrum Auctions: What Do You Need to Know?

Date: Friday, May 16, 2014 Within 24 hours of the FCC’s meeting on so called “Net Neutrality” and the broadcast Spectrum auctions we hosted a balanced panel of experts to explain the FCC’s plans and to provide some analysis on what Members of Congress need to know and what they expect will happen next. Panel Members […]

Revising The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA): Should Congress Require a Warrant?

Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 A panel discussion on the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) exploring why technological changes have disrupted the original purpose of the the statute and what Congress might do to update it for the future. Panel Members: James X. Dempsey, Center for Democracy & Technology Richard W. Downing, Principal Deputy Chief, Computer Crime and […]

The U.S. Government Relinquishes Last Vestige of Internet Control: That’s A Good Thing, Right?

Event Date: Friday, April 11, 2014 On a Friday in March the Obama Administration announced that it would relinquish its last vestige of control over the technical functions of the Internet. The Department of Commerce’s NTIA said that it will not renew its contract with ICANN to run key domain-name functions. The NTIA had been […]

Internet Caucus AC Speakers Series: CEO Spencer Rascoff

On March 27 the CEO of Zillow, Spencer Rascoff, participated in the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee Speakers Series in Rayburn over lunch. It was a fascinating conversation facilitated by Alexander Howard that probed the myriad uses of open data in the housing market.

danah boyd: It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens

We all use the Internet – but our personal experiences don’t reveal how others, particularly young people, are interacting with technology and each other, and the implications for society and policy. danah boyd, whose research examines the myths and realities at intersection of technology and society, discusses the profound implications the Internet has on the […]

D.C. Circuit Decision on FCC Open Internet Rules: Net Neutrality Win or Loss?

On Jan. 14, the D.C. Circuit Court issued its ruling on the the FCC’s Open Internet rules. Many refer to these rules as Net Neutrality rules and they were adopted by a divided Federal Communications Commission in 2010 under its previous Chairman. This court decision presents significant challenges for the new FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler […]

The FCC’s Grand Internet Plans: “The Open Internet” and Massive Mobile Spectrum Auctions: What Do You Need to Know?

On Thursday May 15 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to release two major plans that may significantly affect the growth and vibrancy of the Internet (FCC announcement here). You have undoubtedly heard about so called “Net Neutrality” and the broadcast Spectrum auctions. The FCC will introduce two plans on those respective issues on Thursday, […]

Aereo’s SCOTUS Decision: Implications for Startups & Copyright

On Wednesday the Supreme Court handed down what amounts to a death sentence for Internet video startup Aereo. Our panel of legal experts discussed the Supreme Court’s decision, reviewed the legal and policy arguments around Aereo, and examined the implications for the Internet and innovative online startups.

New MIT-UCSD Study Measures Internet Congestion; Expert Panel Discusses Implications for Net Neutrality

On June 18, 2014 from 2 – 4pm in Washington, DC, the MIT CSAIL Information Policy Project and the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee hosted a briefing announcing new research jointly conducted by the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) and MIT on Internet traffic congestion that will help inform the FCC policy debate […]

Can You Sell Your Digital Music/Movie/eBook Collections? Congress Reviews Digital Copyright

Note: This is a fast-paced 60-minute flash-luncheon briefing format. Date: Friday, June 13, 2014 Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2226 Twitter: @NetCaucusAC #FirstSale