Internet Caucus Academy Podcasts

Audio: The Future of Online Safety for Kids: Legislative Changes on the Horizon

This is audio from the March event on “The Future of Online Safety for Kids: Legislative Changes on the Horizon” The Future of Online Safety for Kids: Legislative Changes on the Horizon The Future of Online Safety for Kids: Legislative Changes on the Horizon SPEAKERS Maureen Flatley, Stop Child Predators Common Sense Media Ash Johnson, […]

Audio: Future of Tech Policy in the 119th Congress

This is audio from the January event on “Future of Tech Policy in the 119th Congress” Future of Tech Policy in the 119th Congress Tech Policy on the Horizon: What’s Next in the 119th Congress? SPEAKERS Sara Collins, Director, Government Affairs, Public Knowledge Amy Bos, Director of State and Federal Affairs, NetChoice Evan Swarztrauber, Senior […]

Audio: Elections in the Age of AI: Analyzing 2024 and Shaping Future Campaigns

This is audio from the May event on “Elections in the Age of AI: Analyzing 2024 and Shaping Future Campaigns” Elections in the Age of AI: Analyzing 2024 and Shaping Future Campaigns Speakers – Kara Frederick, Director, Tech Policy Center, The Heritage Foundation – Jennifer Huddleston, Senior Fellow in Technology Policy, Cato Institute – Tim […]
Audio: Intellectual Property and AI: The Law & Policy Of Human Content

This is audio from the May event on “Intellectual Property and AI: The Law & Policy Of Human Content”
Audio: Tech Platforms and the 1st Amendment: Impacts of Landmark Supreme Court Rulings

This is audio from the May event on “Tech Platforms and the 1st Amendment: Impacts of Landmark Supreme Court Rulings”
Audio: The Shifting of U.S. Digital Trade Policy: Where Is USTR’s New Strategy Leading Us?

This is audio from the May event on “The Shifting of U.S. Digital Trade Policy: Where Is USTR’s New Strategy Leading Us?”
AI Regulation Roundup: Where Are We Now?

This is audio from the July event on “AI Regulation Roundup: Where Are We Now?”Speakers- Evi Fuelle, Global Policy Director, Credo AI (Bio)- Anna Lenhart, George Washington University’s Institute for Data Democracy and Politics (Bio)- Nick Garcia, Policy Counsel at Public Knowledge (Bio)- Joshua Landau, Senior Counsel, Innovation Policy at CCIA (Bio)Date: Friday, July 28, […]
Digital Identity: Cybersecurity’s New Hope?
This is audio from the October recess event on”Digital Identity: Cybersecurity’s New Hope?” on October 3. October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and we’re doing our part to highlight new policy developments in cyber security. Sadly, there is a lack of awareness about the cyber importance of digital identity. Our panel will discuss how a […]
Europe’s Digital Markets Act (DMA): Competition Perspectives from the European Commission
This is audio from the June recess event on “Europe’s Digital Markets Act (DMA): Competition Perspectives from the European Commission.” For this TPR discussion, we will be joined by two DMA experts from the European Commission, DG COMP Policy Director Inge Bernaerts and DG CONNECT Advisor Michael Koenig, and Director for Digital Transformation Gerard de […]
Chips & Glass: Supply Chain Stumbling Blocks To Biden’s Broadband Infrastructure Plan?
More Podcasts Chips & Glass: Supply Chain Stumbling Blocks To Biden’s Broadband Infrastructure Plan? This is audio from the April recess event “Chips & Fiber: Supply Chain Stumbling Blocks To Biden’s Broadband Infrastructure?” We’ve invited experts to discuss the challenge the Biden Administration faces in spending the broadband infrastructure funds allocated by Congress. The government […]
Blockchain, Brokers & Web3: Can Congress Fix The Infrastructure Bill and Grow The Decentralized Web?
This is audio from the January Tech Policy Recess discussion on “Blockchain, Brokers & Web3: Can Congress Fix The Infrastructure Bill and Grow The Decentralized Web?” We will discuss the calls to revise the “broker” language in the signed Infrastructure Bill that was recently signed into law. Guest Speakers Included:Introductions by Bill Rockwood, U.S. House […]
Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Your Digital Identity And Government Can Lead The Way
This Is A Podcast:From December 5, 2019Speakers Included:SPEAKERS- Lydia Beyoud, Reporter Bloomberg Law (Bio)- Tiffany Angulo, Legislative Director Rep. David Schweikert (Bio)- Dan Bachenheimer, Unique Identity Services, Global Lead, Accenture (Bio)- James Cross, Vice President, Product Strategy, Workday (Bio)- Amy Davine Kim, Chief Policy Officer, Chamber of Digital Commerce (Bio)- Dr. James Shook, Mathematician, Computer […]
The D.C. Circuit Court Ruled on Net Neutrality. What Now?
More Podcasts The D.C. Circuit Court Ruled on Net Neutrality. What Now? This Is A Podcast: On Monday, October 7, 2019, a panel of Academy experts discussed the D.C. Circuit’s decision, as well as next steps for Congress and any broader implications for the Internet ecosystem. These panelists represent diverse perspectives on the […]
Who’s A Bigger Music Mogul, Jay-Z or Congress?
More Podcasts Who’s A Bigger Music Mogul, Jay-Z or Congress? There are a lot of music moguls out there. Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, Quincy Jones. But possibly the biggest mogul in the music industry is Congress itself. Congress and its oversight functions make it a significant player in music industry revenues. In the modern era […]
Will The California, EU, and State Privacy Laws Be Addressed By Congress?
With consumer privacy breaches and Congressional privacy hearings in the headlines daily, many are asking whether Congress will act on data privacy? Will more US states follow California’s lead and pass consumer privacy laws as well?
Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin: Building Trust in A Digital World
While there is a lot of hype around Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrencies are only the tip of the iceberg. Blockchain – the technology underlying cryptocurrencies – offers a host of other transformative use cases, including supply chain management, digital identity management, and smart contracts.
Wayfair: Internet Sales Tax Discussion
The Supreme Court recently issued a momentous decision in Wayfair v South Dakota. In overturning a 26-year precedent, SCOTUS has opened the floodgates for states to impose sales tax on online purchases. While critics of the decision claim it will cripple small online businesses, supporters argue that it will allow states to recoup taxes already owed to them and allow traditional retailers to compete fairly with e-commerce companies.
Carpenter: How SCOTUS Defines Constitutional Privacy In The Digital Age
VIDEO YouTube Video FacebookLive Video PHOTOS Flickr Photos Listen Carpenter Briefing Moments ago the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) issued its ruling in cellphone privacy case, Carpenter v. U.S. Join us for a popup briefing next Friday as a panel of Academy experts parses the Court’s decision and what it means for the future of privacy. The […]
Antitrust & The Internet: A New Way Of Looking At Competition?
“Antitrust and competition policy is exciting stuff,” said no one ever (except, of course, the very few who follow this arcane field of economics and algorithms). Yet in recent months on Capitol Hill competition policy buzzwords have started to be overheard in conversations outside of the traditional antitrust policy bastions such as the Antitrust subcommittees. […]
EU Privacy Countdown: What the GDPR Regulations Mean For Your Constituents
In May of this year, The European Commission (EC) will issue an expansive set of privacy rules for U.S. companies operating overseas. These rules, otherwise called The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will require companies across the world to amend their policies and practices to comply with its many regulations. In many ways, the GDPR […]
What’s Next For Net Neutrality? Litigation, Legislation, and the Lay of the Land
It seems like talk about net neutrality never stops, and with our busy schedules, it’s hard to keep up. We’ve organized a panel of experts to provide a “lay of the land” on what’s going on with this dynamic topic. We’ll talk about the latest FCC action, developments on the state level, the prospects for litigation, […]
Blending Data Analytics and AI: Policy Implications
Data analytics is becoming an essential part of companies’ operations, planning and innovation. In the Internet age, companies are generating an unprecedented amount of data, and an entire industry has grown out of the need to process and understand it. How have these insights helped change the way businesses interact with consumers? What is the […]
Hacking: What Color Is Your Hat? Vulnerability Disclosures and the Law
White hat researchers look for vulnerabilities in information systems and play an increasingly crucial role in our nation’s cyber security defenses. Yet, the rules of the road for these types of “hackers” have been slow to evolve in terms of civil and criminal liability. Speakers included: Leonard Bailey – Special Counsel for National Security, Computer […]
Carving Out Exceptions to Section 230: How Will It Affect The Internet?
Over 21 years ago, at the dawn of the commercial Internet, Congress passed a seemingly minor amendment to the massive Telecom Act of 1996 — Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (HR 1555). HR 1555 was designed to limit liability of Internet providers for content posted by their users and also to give them […]
The War for the Web: Countering ISIS and Violent Extremism Online
In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in London UK Prime Minister has been at the forefront of international calls for the technology companies to do more to combat online extremism. The British Government has announced its intention to stamp out extremism “in all its forms, both across society and on the internet”. Within […]
Balancing National Security & Privacy. What will Congress do about FISA’s 702?
Without Congressional action Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will cease to be a law enforcement tool at the disposal of law enforcement. In the aftermath of 9/11 Congress empowered America’s top law enforcement agencies to the collect the data on non-US persons. Critics say that 702 surveillance enables law enforcement to […]
Data Warrants From Across the Pond: Fighting Crime While Preserving Privacy
Fighting crime and thwarting terrorism is not what it was 20 years ago. Globally, law enforcement agencies are demanding more and more ready access to social media company data about customers — most of which is held by U.S.-based Internet giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Snap. However, expedient access to that data is hampered […]
Work in the age of AI, Automation, and the Gig Economy: A well oiled machine?
What does the future of work, in the age of continued automation, look like? Startups continue to follow the path set by companies such as Uber: short term ‘gigs’ that allow workers more freedom to chose their work hours but also bring with it more uncertainty. At the same time, manufacturing jobs continue to be […]
Broadband Infrastructure Funding: What Should The Plans Be?
SUMMARY Download Audio The Internet has become essential for Americans as they participate in commerce, culture and democracy. The Internet and the Internet of Things is rapidly becoming an important part of how our cities and transportation networks operate. Increasingly rural communities are incorporating Internet-enabled technologies into their communities and lifestyles. The possibilities seem endless. […]
Net Neutrality in Transition – The Future of the Open Internet
SUMMARY Download Audio Ever since the November election the FCC’s Open Internet order has been under serious review. Some critics of the former Chairman Wheeler’s approach to Net Neutrality argue that Congress should rewrite the rules for traffic on the Internet. Supporters argue that the FCC’s Title II rules are the only way to assure […]