Work in the age of AI, Automation, and the Gig Economy: A well oiled machine?

What does the future of work, in the age of continued automation, look like?

Startups continue to follow the path set by companies such as Uber: short term ‘gigs’ that allow workers more freedom to chose their work hours but also bring with it more uncertainty. At the same time, manufacturing jobs continue to be supplemented and replaced by automation. Finally, AI looms large on the horizon as software promises to replace not only blue collar but also white collar labor.

Will American workers have to compete both with foreign labor and domestic, machine labor? Or is there another way that will lead to increased integration of human and machine? Join our panel of experts as we discuss these and other questions and hear all sides of the story.

– Steve DelBianco, Executive Director, NetChoice (Bio)
– Lori Sanders, Associate VP of Federal Affairs, R Street Institute (Bio)
– Kristin Sharp, Executive Director, SHIFT Commission on Work, Workers & Technology (Bio)
– Steven Overly – Technology Reporter, POLITICO Pro (moderator)(Bio)

Date: Friday, June 9, 2017
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building Room 2226
Follow: @NetCaucusAC | #futurework

Download: Here

Image: “Tesla Robot Dance” by Steve Jurvetson is licensed under CC B