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Dr. Burt Kaliski is vice president of research at RSA Security and chief scientist of its research center, RSA Laboratories, where he works to transform promising technologies into competitive advantages for the company and its customers.
Burt joined RSA Data Security in 1989 when it was a startup, and in 1991 helped launch RSA Laboratories as an academic environment within RSA Data Security. (RSA Data Security was acquired by Security Dynamics in 1996; the merged companies were renamed RSA Security.) Since 1996 he has been director and chief scientist of RSA Laboratories, leading a group of applied researchers and standards developers that has produced a range of new concepts and technologies.
Burt has also been involved extensively in the development of cryptographic standards. During the early days of RSA Laboratories, he coordinated the development of the Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), working with major early adopters of public-key cryptography. From 1993-99, he served as chair of the IEEE P1363 working group, which developed a standard, IEEE Std 1363-2000, covering the three main families of public-key cryptography. Since 1999 he has been the editor of the IEEE P1363a amendment and he is currently the editor of ANSI X9.44, the emerging banking standard for key establishment based on the RSA cryptosystem. He is also an author of several Internet RFCs.
Burt�s research interests over the years have included public-key cryptography, efficient implementation of cryptographic algorithms, block cipher cryptanalysis, elliptic curve cryptography, user authentication, and privacy protection. He is an inventor on eight patents with several others pending.
Burt has served as general chair of CRYPTO �91 and program chair of CRYPTO �97 and CHES 2002. He has participated on program committees for several major conferences, and on the editorial board of ACM TISSEC. He is currently on the advisory board for the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Information Security to be published by Kluwer. He has been a frequent speaker at industry conferences and was an invited speaker at ASIACRYPT �98, and has more than 20 conference and journal publications.
Burt was one of 11 winners of the 2003 New England Business and Technology Award.
Burt received his bachelor�s, master�s and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from MIT, where his research focused on cryptography. Prior to joining RSA Data Security, he was a visiting assistant professor of computer engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the International Association for Cryptologic Research.